Saturday, November 12, 2011

Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Plz (yugioh pros only)?

wow, this deck is a lot better than most blue-eyes decks you see now-a-days. But your deck does have 55 cards in it which is about 12 cards to many, so yeah i would suggest taking out at least 12 cards to bring your deck down to 43 cards. this should make it faster and more consistent. I would suggest not using the 2 proto cyber dragon and 2 of the hunter dragons. take out the defusions Take out shift because its really not good, also blast held by tribute because you rarely see tribute summons anymore.Ultimate offering just because it sucks. take out the 2 powerbond because its effect is terrible (not the x2 atk but the recoil). spirt barrier just for the sake of thinning your deck aswell as scrap-iron scarecrow. maybe add in mirror force and 2 more polymerizations and it should be good to go.

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